Susan Kennard

Susan Kennard

Rating: 5 / 5

$147 for 30 min Session

$197 for 60 min Session


Susan has a clear channel to her spirit team helping you clear blocks to align fully to your mission alowing you to bring your very own gifts to the world.  She specialises in Childhood Trauma, Mediumship, Clearing contracts, vows oaths, manifesting love abundance and healthy life.  Clearing blocks to success, Self love.  


Channel, guidance on your mission as well as bringing your gifts to the world. 

Susan Kennard

Please click on the day in the calendar to start booking.

Susan who is known as a spiritual scientist originally trained in psychology and psychotherapy over 20 years ago.  Susan has been a therapist for 20 years and in that time has specialised in helping people to clear their trauma. She speaks about her work and research at conferences and events all over the UK and at the European Energy Conference. She is a specialist in PTSD and has worked with many veterans and those who have experienced significant trauma. 

Susan has a clear channel to the higher realms making her work fast, direct and accurate. She is a medium and channel and now over the last year works with her galactic guides.  She channels, tones and speaks light language to help others heal their heart field.  Susan noticed that when trauma is cleared, more success and love is able to come into your life.  She is the founder of Sparkle to Success, 60 seconds of colour and many other classes that she runs live and online. Susan is passionate about helping you to remember you are a creator being able to heal from within creating a remarkable li
